This policy is based on the requirements and standards of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and the legislation to protect consumers from unwanted email, commonly known as "Spam". Express Sign Products Inc. is also referred to as ESP in this document. This policy is implemented as follows:



All files held by EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS are the property of EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS. This information will be held in the strictest confidence, as detailed in the following paragraphs.


Purpose of information collection

EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS will collect only that information which is required to administer the following:

  • Financial transactions.
  • Customers' files

The information includes but is not necessarily limited to the following:

  • Names, business addresses, e-mail addresses and business telephone numbers of customers and their employees.
  • Credit Card information needed to enable payment.



All customers and suppliers, by entering into business activities, give consent to EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS to retain information as described in this document.


Anti-Spam Legislation

In order to keep costs down, EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS will use email as much as possible. We will request your permission to keep your email address on file and will use that address only for the purposes listed in Section 2, above. We do not share customer information with any other organization, except as explained in Section 5, below. We do use email to promote commercial and promotional activities. These notifications are sent only to companies which have given express consent as defined in the Anti Spam legislation. We provide an easy method for addressees to unsubscribe from this list, as required by the law.


Limitations on disclosure and retention

Information collected is not disclosed to any person other than EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS employees and then only for authorized purposes. We do not sell or share our mailing lists or data with any other organization.

EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS will not discuss the details of any customer file or business transaction with any person.


  • Upon request of Municipal, Provincial, or Federal Police authority during an ongoing investigation.
  • Upon receipt of a legal requirement such as a court order, or subpoena.
  • With the customer’s written permission, as a referral to another company or business.

Information is retained as follows:

  • Digital Retention / Transmission:

    EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS retains information on each customer as a permanent record on computer hard drives. This consists of contact information and details of all transactions with that customer. Personal information cannot be separated from sales data. Credit card numbers are retained in digital form in the EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS office. Records of financial transactions are kept for accounting and taxation purposes only. Credit card transactions are performed on an internet site which provides industry standard security. All information is stored on hard drives in our offices and on an off site server which runs our accounting, billing and inventory functions. All servers and hard drives are protected by firewalls and software to the highest industry standard.

  • Accuracy

    All staff is trained to record information accurately. If a customer informs us of a needed change or correction, it is done as soon as possible. On each new contact with a customer, we will confirm the information on file. Any information transmitted between offices is sent in the form of original documents or copies thereof, so transcription errors are not introduced. Sensitive information such as credit card numbers is purged from documents which leave the office.

  • Safeguards

    Files are retained in locked cabinets and/or in a locked file storage area when the office is closed. We prefer to receive sensitive information such as credit card numbers directly by telephone contact, but facsimile, mail, and electronic mail are used if the customer so requests. Credit card transactions, email and internet access are enabled on sites and servers by ISPs which provide industry standard security. Office computers are protected against virus infection, spam, phishing, and other such attacks by dedicated software which is firewalled, and kept up to date, and scans are regularly performed by the office staff. Staff is also trained in standard digital awareness techniques to help prevent any attempts to compromise information.

Access to information and customer service. This policy is published on our web site and a copy is available from an EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS office to anyone on request. Information held by EXPRESS SIGN PRODUCTS is not subject to the Access to Information Act.


Complaints and enquiries

If you have a question about this policy or believe your information is not being correctly handled, please contact us to explain your concerns. We will do what we can to resolve the situation in the office. If that is not possible, we will refer it to the President for further resolution.


Contact Information

The offices are located at 1116 McLeod St., Pincher Creek, Alberta and 5 Industrial Rd. in St. Marys, Ontario. Both offices are served by the following toll free number: 800-461-1722.